
"... an impeccable slice of kitchen sink drama which follows the tense relationship between teenager Jack and wayward adult John. As the film reveals their past, and how they might be both sides of the same coin, it explores the push and pull of the desire for a future that will get better and regret for a wasted past."

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Interview with George-Alex Nagle

For my co-writer Daniel Corboy and myself, the starting point of this film was questioning “what would my thirteen-year-old self-think of my thirty-year-old self?”

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"...sets the tone for a distinctly Australian examination of masculinity and maturity"

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Interview With George-Alex Nagle & Ben Tarwin

Meet the Australians who won the international competition at Clermont-Ferrand for their film Mate.

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Interview With George-Alex NAgle

Watch the interview with the Australian filmmaker George-Alex Nagle about his short film Mate selected in the 2022 International Competition

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The first Australian film to the International Competition at the 2022 Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival. Australian filmmaker George-Alex Nagle and his team are celebrating after winning the prestigious Grand Prix in the International Competition at the world’s largest and most prestigious short film festival with their film Mate.

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Interview with George-Alex NAgle & Ben Tarwin

ABC Local Weekend

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Interview with George-Alex NAgle

George-Alex Nagle’s Western-Sydney-based short film Mate recently won the Grand Prix at the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival, the first Australian short film to do so, and an accolade that qualifies the film for entry into the Academy Awards. We caught up with him to find out more.

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